Scott and Tom kindly took the groceries back to the boat, while Cindy and I stayed on to check out the other shops. There was a comedian doing a show in the market square – he was balancing on a skateboard, which was on top of a board on top of four 4-foot high poles. Then, he was stepping through a tennis racket (no strings of course) while doing all of this balancing…..crazy guy! So after browsing the shops, we returned to the boat with the groceries all put away, and the guys resting in the afternoon sun. So nice……. That evening we decided not to go out to dinner, but to enjoy some of the food we just purchased. Then Cindy and I took our laundry up to the Laundromat and got a couple of loads in….the rest will have to wait til the morning……while we waited for the laundry, Jackie and Carter came over to our boat for a visit. Our original plans had been changed to spend another night in Vancouver, while we waited for a new part for Scott’s Nauticomp display to arrive the next morning.
-Admiral Marian
One of the things that Marian can not stand is head odors. When we first brought Alanui up the coast and started to use her we noticed a foul odor when we flushed the head. We determined that the vent to the holding tank was located inside the Portuguese Bridge enclosure. When you flush the Vacuflush head and deposit material in the holding tank, foul air is released out the vent. If the port hole is open in the galley the foul air makes its way into the saloon. You can imagine the conversations that would ensue:
Scott: (shouting from the head) Marian, I’m going to flush, close the port hole!
Marian: What?
Scott: I’m flushing, hurry, close the port hole!!
Marian: What, I can’t hear you?
Scott: Marian, you have to close..
Marian: Oh God, what’s that smell, damn it Scott, why didn’t you tell me you were flushing!!!
Scott: Marian, where are the baby wipes?
Marian: I have to evacuate the saloon, you’re on your own!
Scott: What?
Needless to say this is an undesirable situation. It’s made worse when guests are aboard. Well, Tom and Cindy gave us some advice that we consider one of the best kept secrets in boating. I’m only telling you this because it’s good Karma and may get me into heaven some day. We were in a marina last year and Tom said, hey, let’s see if they have any Canndure for treating the head odors.
We went to the chandlery and found 6 bottles of Canndure priced at $3.95 each. Tom said, you must buy these, this is a GREAT deal! So we bought 5 of the 6. I’m the kind of guy that just can’t take the last item off the shelf, because of Karma. I feel like if I take the last one someone else is going to come up and find it missing and perhaps ruin his day. So when possible I leave at least one. Tom told me later they must have been mispriced, because they should have been about $25 a bottle. We think the pricing machine might have been missing the 2. Anyway we put this stuff in our head and in three days the smell was GONE. I mean GONE. I should have taken all 6 bottles! Anyway, you can only get this stuff in Canada. I believe you can order it, but I don’t need to. While we were in Cole Harbour we found a case of the stuff at the local chandlery. We bought 12 bottles, enough to last us a year or more. You can learn more about this product by clicking on the links below:
You can learn more about the active ingredient in Canndure (Bronopol) here:
In closing this topic, I do feel like I should contact the marina where we bought this stuff 2 years ago and pay them for the bottles that were miss-priced. Perhaps I’ll get a chance to do that while we are here in the marina. It’s not good Karma to have left them short on the exchange. If everyone took advantage of mistakes like this the business wouldn’t last long.
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