Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Day 39, September 26th, Half Moon Bay to Monterey
The trip to Monterey was uneventful, save for the three whales that surfaced between Alanui and Paloma. We were so close we could hear them exhale and inhale – “Woshhhhhhh”. It’s amazing. Oh, there was one thing that has happened a few times and is a bit bothersome. Every once in a while the autopilot decides to change course all by itself. It’s quite unnerving as this could cause a real problem if it’s not noticed and corrected. I’m trying to figure out the cause, but to date have not come up with it. As we arrived in Monterey we saw the breakwater completely covered with seals and sea lions of every shape, size, color and odor! We also saw sea otters floating on their backs, enjoying the sun and calm seas. It was a delightful way to end a 10 hour journey. We were lucky enough to get two slips side by side. After tieing up we had dinner and went for a short walk along the harbor front. We then watched one of the DVD’s we got at our going away party. It was “The Three Amigos” and boy was it bad! That’s a DVD we won’t hesitate to trade at our first opportunity! While here in Monterey we are going to the world class aquarium and doing some tourist shopping and eating. Our next stop is an anchorage along the coast.
Day 38, September 25th, Sausalito to Half Moon Bay
Day 27, September 14th Bodega Bay to San Francisco (Sausalito)

Rounding Point Reyes we set our course for the entrance channel to the San Francisco Bay. Susan and Patrick pointed out several significant landmarks along the way, helping to build the excitement as we closed on the bridge. We conversed over the VHF radio and agreed that Alanui would move ahead of Paloma so we could get some pictures, then we would swing behind Paloma and do the same. As we approached the bridge I put in calls to my brother Joe in Alabama and my Mom and Dad in Florida. I figured this was a defining moment for us and we wanted to share it with other family members so far away.
The currents were minimal and there was only a small amount of boat traffic, so we were able to get some great pictures. As we went under the bridge we saw a huge fleet of sailboats heading in our direction and we began to chart a path through them. At one point Paloma was able to make it through the fleet, but we had to take some evasive action and ended up taking a significant detour. No worries, this is what boating is all about; frankly it was nice to finally see a sailboat with sails up!

Patrick had secured slips for us at the Sausalito Yacht Harbor, one of the nicest facilities on the West coast. In many respects it’s like Coal Harbour in Vancouver. Top drawer facilities nestled along a wonderful waterfront community where everything is available and entertaining. The wind did present a bit of a challenge and we actually lost a fender as we entered a very narrow fairway. I flipped Alanui around and went back out to get the fender and then made another try at docking. With Marian’s assistance I was able to back the boat into a narrow slip and get her securely tied up without bumping into anyone else or anything else!
The next 11 days was filled with traveling around the Bay area. We went to Napa and bought a dozen bottles of our favorite wine (Rombauer), did the tourist thing in San Francisco by visiting Alcatraz and ended up our stay by visiting Susan, Patrick and Jonathan at their vineyard in Sonoma. Oh, we also got the Nauticomp display repaired and did some maintenance on Alanui. One of the biggest accomplishments was finally getting confirmation of a reservation at a marina in Mexico that enabled us to book plane and hotel reservations so the Bridget, Asher and Shannon could join us after the holidays.
Day 26, September 13, Ft. Bragg to Bodega Bay
Day 25, September 12, Shelter Cove to Ft. Bragg
Day 24, September 11th, Eureka to Shelter Cove via Cape Mendocino
Several things conspire to make Mendocino unique amongst the west coast capes. First, it’s the western most cape, and pretty far north as the significant capes go. Second, it lies in an area of significant geological activity and topography. Three of the earth’s tectonic plates converge off of Cape Mendocino resulting in a area of intense earthquake activity. Not surprisingly the land mass rises out of the ocean quite abruptly and reaches great height. The effect this has on ocean breezes is dramatic. Not unlike an airplane wing, air will accelerate around an object when deflected by something like a land mass. I’m not certain if it’s the Bernoulli principle that accelerates the velocity of wind, but the result is that in the vicinity of Cape Mendocino it blows, and Blows and BLOWS. So, as we left Eureka we were delighted to hear the forecast:
.Cape Mendocino: Light winds and calm seas with a 1 to 2 foot swell from the west expected throughout the forecast periodThis was unbelievable. Here we were approaching one of the most treacherous parts of the west coast and by all rights we were going to have a sled ride. We were delighted. Below is a picture of Paloma as we slipped gracefully around the cape!

After several hours we turned the corner and edged into Shelter Cove. Patrick had a difficult time anchoring here on his trip up the coast, so we were a bit apprehensive. We had spent some time discussing where to anchor and various techniques, so we were both delighted when we each caught the hook on our first attempt. With over 200 feet of chain out in 30 feet of water we were well prepared to sleep soundly through the night. As the sun set Marian and I were deployed our flopper stopper for the first time.

A “Flopper Stopper” is a pole that hangs off the side of the boat with a large plate dangling in the water. The plate is hinged and opens up if you pull it up through the water and closes when it drops. The effect this has on the boat is to stop it from rolling in one direction and only one direction. The reason you need this piece of gear is that a Nordhavn trawler has a round, displacement bottom. While this bottom is very good for fuel economy, it sucks for dampening roll. I can walk from side to side on the boat and get it rolling 30 degrees each way. If I stop moving from side to side it will take 2 minutes for the boat to stop. There is simply little or nothing in the way to prevent the boat from rolling. So, deployment of a Flopper Stopper is critical for a good nights sleep. Well, we deployed the pole, threw the plate in the water and everything “seemed to be ok”. I had read the laminated instructions for deploying the FS several months ago and thought I’d done a good job. Then I looked over at Paloma and noticed that Patrick had positioned his FS pole about 35 degrees up in the air, instead of parallel to the water, as I had. My logical mind told me that putting the pole parallel to the water would get the plate as far out as possible, yielding the most stabilizing force. What I didn’t consider in this analysis was the influence of loading and unloading that would occur as the seas worsened.
So, we had a light dinner of breakfast cereal because, despite the flopper stopper, we were still doing some significant floppering. We went to bed about 9:30. About 1:00am I woke up. Something just didn’t seem right. I heard a new sound, kind of a “ker thunk, thunk, thunk”, pause, “ker thunk, thunk, thunk” repeat… The boat was moving, rolling a fair amount. So I slipped out of bed and went up to the pilothouse. I noticed we had rotated 180 degrees and were now facing east. The wind had picked up and was blowing from our starboard side and we were really rocking, probably 15 degrees from side to side. I turned on the deck lights and watched the flopper stopper. The more I watched it the more concerned I became. As I looked at the pole it became obvious to me why Patrick’s was elevated at 45 degrees. What was happening was that each time the boat would reverse its direction of roll the flopper stopper would lift slightly and then thunk back down as the plate came taught. The problem was when I put the pole out parallel to the ocean surface there was no force or moment that held the pole down, all three attachments points were pulling the pole up. So, when it became unloaded it would actually lift a little bit. I then realized I needed to fix this or it was going to be a long, long night.
So here it is, 1:30 in the morning and I’m considering going out on deck. I sat there for about 30 minutes trying to decide if I should go out on deck without waking Marian up. Part of me didn’t want to admit to her that I had screwed this up and part of me just didn’t want to bother her. But I started to think about some things we had discussed that we would adopt as “POLICY” on the boat. One of the things was that if one of us was standing watch at night, we would NEVER go outside the pilothouse without the other being awake and at the helm. The reason for this is that if you went over the side, there wouldn’t be anyone there to notice and it could be hours before the partner awoke to find they were alone. That thought is horrifying to even consider. So, after some time pondering the decision I went ahead and asked Marian to sit at in the pilothouse while I went on the boat deck to try to solve the issue. I put on a life jacket and went out into the pitch black, but comfortable night air.
Standing on the boat deck was not difficult. While the boat was moving around, it wasn’t so much that being up there was a problem, this was a big relief. So now I needed to resolve the issue of the pole being too low. The problem I was facing was trying to figure out how to raise the pole without bringing the plate back aboard the boat. Trying to retrieve the plate at night, in the cockpit was a scary task. What I was trying to figure out was if there was a way to take up some line on the halyard that supported the pole, without untying it. I was worried that if I untied the line it could get pulled out of my grasp and result in the pole collapsing into the side of the boat. Fortunately there was another cleat below the place where the halyard was tied off. It seemed like it was in just the right spot that if I pulled the line down to it, it might end up with the pole at 35 or 45 degrees. I did a few practice pulls to see if I could gain enough slack to make it to the cleat. The test pulls left me feeling like it might make it, so I waited for a rolling cycle where the boat pulled the plate up in the water, then as the boat rolled into the plate I pulled down with all my strength. I got about an inch away from the cleat as the boat stopped rolling and I remember thinking “I better get this right now, because if I don’t I might not have the strength to try it again”. So I dug deep and put the hurt on it, and sure enough it slipped right around the cleat. When I looked over the side of the boat the pole was up in the air exactly where I wanted it. Sure enough the thunking was gone and the boat motion subsided significantly. I watched the pole for about 5 minutes then went back inside the pilothouse. Both Marian and I went back to bed and fell fast asleep.
Day 23, September 10th, Brookings to Eureka
Oh, a word about the boat and the entertainment systems. Before leaving Seattle I invested in upgrading the entertainment systems on the boat. The previous owner had equipped the boat with a 15” LCD TV capable of High Def and a DVD player. I thought that since we were going to the East Coast and planned to be there in the Fall, the days would be short and the nights long. Also, there would be the Fall television shows such as Survivor and The Office, which we both enjoy. So I installed a KVH satellite TV antenna. This is a gyro stabilized TV antenna that delivers Direct TV service to the boat. It works at the dock or underway, as long as it can “see” a satellite. It won’t work in Mexico, but that’s ok, because I really just wanted it for the Fall and the East Coast. I also decided we needed a bigger viewing screen than the 15” TV, so I agonized over a LCD TV or Plasma. Well, after months and months and dozens of trips to Frys with Jim Lewis I finally took a tip from Eric Grabb on Kosmos. Eric is cruising in the South Pacific and had purchased a projector for use in his guest stateroom. He explained why he thought this was the best solution and I had to agree with him. A projector and screen are much simpler to install then an LCD or Plasma TV. They are smaller, lighter and easier to repair, they can be moved to a different location or boat and in some respects can provide a better picture. The only question was if it would be bright enough or not. So, prior to leaving Seattle I purchased and installed a Panasonic projector and screen. It hangs from the ceiling and shines 10 feet across the saloon. It gives us an outstanding 55” picture at 1080i or 720p. We then replaced the old DVD with an OPPO up scaling DVD player that is fantastic. One thing that made this obvious was when my son-in-law, Asher, gave us a binder of videos to take with us. He had encoded dozens of TV shows on DVD’s using the DIVX codex. Using DIVX enables you to put 16 hours of good quality video on a single DVD. So we have a great library of Survivor, Lost, Dead Like Me and several other shows and series. I did have to discuss the ethics of copying movies with him, and we are doing extensive research in this area. In summary, we have a wonderful entertainment system and we watch a movie when ever we need a mental check out.
Day 17-22, September 4th-10th, Brookings OR
With the fuel system leak fixed we were able to move the boat down the harbor and get away from Miss Sarah. Tying up next to Paloma at the furthest south mooring was a delight. We could hear the surf and smell the ocean from our slip, which became our home for the next 6 days, as we waited out a series of Pacific storms that had the offshore seas really beat up. During this time we toured the town, went for walks along the beach and finally went for a drive in the Redwoods.

So, after spending an hour or so at the park, we headed further into the Redwood forest. We returned home after 6 hours of driving and had a great nights sleep.
The rest of our time in Brookings was filled with more dinners on and off the boat, maintenance items and other tasks that kept us busy. Busy enough that we had a hard time getting these stories down. One event did occur that has to be mentioned. Patrick and Susan had made a decision to buy a puppy for Jonathan. I really admire them for making this decision, because it’s a huge commitment for all three of them. Clearly they are doing this because they know Jonathan would benefit from a dogs companionship. They had chosen a Beagle as the dog of choice and a breeder was located about 60 miles up the coast in Bandon Oregon. So, when Patrick, Susan and Jonathan returned to the boat we took a day to travel north and look at 18 puppies with the impossible task of having Jonathan select one for his very own.
We traveled in two cars and had a delightful trip. Actually finding the breeder was a bit of a challenge, but it gave us the excuse to drive down some driveways and see some of the most amazing houses and properties. Anyway we finally turn the corner and find the home of the breeder
We met Carol and she took us in to show us the puppies. To say Jonathan was in Puppy Heaven was an understatement. He was literally surrounded by puppies. Puppies to the left, to the right, in front of him, behind him, it was delightful. Susan and Patrick provided feedback on various attributes to look for, but honestly it was just about impossible to pick one from another. There were two that stood out. One was the smallest, the runt of the litter so to speak. Of course Jonathan had an attachment to it, but Patrick was able to describe that sometimes the runt isn’t a good choice and perhaps they should choose one of the puppies that was healthier. So, a few special puppies seemed to stand out. Two of the puppies had tan markings rather than the traditional tri color blend. One of the two tan puppies was spoken for, but the other was not. His name was Underdog. I was hooked, as were Jonathan and Susan. I think Patrick would have preferred a traditional color puppy, but he choose to let Jonathan exercise his choice and they decided Underdog was the one. Jonathan has decided to re-name him Scout and they will be getting him in about 6 weeks, just in time for FUBAR.

Seeing so many puppies was exhausting, so we went off to enjoy a wonderful lunch at Bandon Dunes a premier gold resort on the Oregon coast. Finally we got in our cars and returned home to the boats to settle in for the night. I think all of us dreamed of snakes, snails and puppy dog tails that night!
Finally we wrapped things up in Brookings, returned the rental cars, said goodbye to Dennis and Steve and headed for our next stop. Eureka.
Day 16, September 3, 2007, At Sea

As Marian mentioned, we prepared the boats for departure at 6:00am. Sunrise was about 6:15, so we actually had to wait for some time for enough light to make us feel leaving the dock was safe. When your in a new location, and there are adverse conditions, be it fog or sea state, you have to make a series of go/no decisions. Generally if there was no fog and a calm sea state I’d consider leaving in the dark. With fog and dark I wasn’t willing to risk crossing a bar for the first time until there was enough light to see. So after about 20 or 30 minutes we had just the beginnings of light, a large crab boat went by. They were shining a very large, bright work light on the back deck and it seemed to be calling to me “follow us!”. So, we pulled in the lines and Alanui and Paloma entered the narrow, shallow channel to head for the ocean. Patrick and I had radar and lights on, he was following me and I was following the crab boat. I am a bit of a talker (duh!), so every 30 seconds to a minute I would tell Patrick over the VHF (we were on ch72 at low power) I’m at this speed, visibility is this, depth is that…”. I believe when docking and navigating in close quarters in limited visibility you can’t over-communicate. So, as we make the turn out into the major river channel we are each about 100 yards apart. I can just barely see the crab boat, and I can just make out Paloma’s running lights. We travel the next quarter to half a mile and navigate our way out the river entrance and I turn south once clear of the buoy. About 5 minutes later I noticed two radar returns heading off to the west. I called to Patrick and said, “my heading is 185”. Patrick responded that his was about 285. A hundred degrees of difference in the two headings was way, way too much. I asked him if he saw me and he said up until a few minutes ago when I turned off my deck lights. I told him I never had my deck lights on, so we quickly figured out he had caught sight of the crab boat and was following him rather than me. A quick adjustment in the autopilot and in a few minutes we were off and running to Brookings.
The rest of the journey to Brookings was uneventful and we arrived late in the day. As we entered the harbor I called the Coast Guard and asked them how the bar was. They said it was open with no cautions. I probed them a bit further to see if we needed an escort, but it seemed as if it was as calm a day as they had ever seen, so we entered the range marker section and headed into what looked like a very narrow entrance! The closer I got to the entrance the more I realized the range markers would have put us on the north jetty, if we had followed them. For the life of me I can’t figure out why they would have them set up that way, but both Patrick and I felt the same way. Anyway, we had been warned that if we landed at Brookings we would be boarded by the Coast Guard, and in fact we were. Within 10 minutes of tying up two of the nicest young men you’ve ever met boarded the boat for an official Coast Guard Inspection. I had been boarded in my Camano earlier in the year, so I knew what to expect. I had my PFD’s, my EPIRB’s, documentations, Navigation Rules of the Road, Trash Plan, Fuel spill plan and all other necessary items ready for them to review. When complete, there were NO deficiencies found. We got a clean bill of health from the Coast Guard. On Paloma the only thing they had to do was update the flares in their ditch bag. Something easy to do and quick to implement.

Day 15, September 2, 2007
Later on in the afternoon Scott went down for his routine engine room check and noticed a small diesel fuel leak. It wasn’t bad, but it concerned him quite a bit since many times these things can get worse. So he cleaned up the spilled fuel and wrapped the leaking area with diesel wipes. Then he called his buddy Captain Mike Maurice who has been transporting boats all over the world for many decades. Mike’s advice was to not deal with it now while we’re still underway, but to take care of it in Coos Bay.

We finally make it into Coos Bay and arrive at the transient dock which was full of local people crabbing off the docks. The docks were a mess – full of bait guts, seaweed and yuk. Flies were everywhere, and it smelled pretty bad.

We decided to travel further south one more day before a week of bad weather was setting in, so we planned to leave the next morning to go to Brookings, Oregon. It sounded like a nicer town to get “stuck” in for a few days.
-Admiral Marian
As Marian mentioned above, I did get a bit crazy and go on the bow in a towel. I had just taken a shower and said to Marian “I’m the King of the World” when the image of Jack and Rose on the bow of the Titanic came into my mind. For some reason I then decided I needed a picture of me on the bow of my boat. I asked Marian to get the camera and struck a few poses at the bow. They are immortalized in digital media for everyone to enjoy.
Anyway after that craziness we prepared to dock in Coos Bay. I had the Douglass guide for the west coast and they related an experience pulling into Coos Bay where they had to tell all the crab fishermen on the transient dock to clear their lines. They related that the locals simply waved back at them and refused to move their pots until the last possible moment. So, as I pulled into a position to dock the boat I hollered to the line of crabbers: “There are two 40 foot boats that need to tie up right where you’re fishing, please move your lines”. No one moved a muscle. So, I did a 180 degree turn and headed right at the dock. I made it completely obvious to them that we were coming in, then they finally got up and started to pull in their traps. We tied up to the dock and within 2 minutes there were crab pots and lines surrounding the boat. I asked the crabbers to please be careful pulling in their pots and they obliged willingly. I then went to capture the lines for Patrick and Susan as they repeated the process with Paloma.
I felt really bad because I’d spent some time telling Susan and Marian how nice Coos Bay was. We had vacationed there a few years ago and found it a pleasant town. The problem was we were at the commercial docks rather than the town docks a few miles up the river. Susan and Marian suggested we limit our stay to one night, and head for Brookings in the morning. Patrick and I couldn’t have agreed more. Oh, I was able to lower the fuel level in the supply manifold, so during the time we were in Coos Bay we stopped leaking fuel, which was important as I was quickly going through my supply of bilge towels. As Marian and I turned in for the night, a new set of crabbers arrived at the dock. Sure enough, they set up their crabbing arrangements right outside our bow porthole. So, as Marian and I fell off to sleep, we got to hear all the latest and greatest poop about Fred and Ethel of Coos Bay. Somehow it seemed a wonderful way to fall asleep.
Day 14, September 1, 2007, At Sea

Day 13, August 30, 2007, Neah Bay

The winds were fairly calm with 4 foot rollers about 10 seconds apart. I had put a quarter piece of scopolamine patch on the night before, and then kept adding more pieces on to add up to a whole. I was feeling great for most of the day until I had some of that left-over spaghetti and spent a good amount of time staring down at the computer. Big mistake. Lost it. I felt better after that, but was leary about doing too much after that. I went to bed around 9:30 that evening. Scott diligently stayed at the helm through most of the night
-Admiral Marian
Today dawns a new life for Marian and I. For the first time we will venture into the Pacific Ocean and travel down the coast of Washington, Oregon and California on the way to the FUBAR Odyssey. By the way, FUBAR is an acronym for Fleet Underway to BajA Rally. It’s the brain child of Bruce Kessler an accomplished race car driver and film producer who is passionate about the trawler life style. Bruce conceptualized the FUBAR in the fashion of the Baja Ha Ha, a sailboat rally from San Diego to La Paz Mexico. Bruce decided it was time for a powerboat version of the rally, and so he started this event. Anyway, I’m getting ahead of myself. As I said, today dawned a new day and the scene was spectacular. The winds were calm and frankly we had a forecast that was simply unbelievable. The Strait of Juan de Fuca can be a nasty body of water. Aligned with the prevailing westerly winds, it’s not uncommon for it to blow 20 to 30 knots for days on end. Today the forecast was for light and variable winds for the entire length of the strait. There are several reasons why this was beneficial for us. Today we hoped to travel the length of the strait and perhaps round the corner at Tatoosh Island and head south. We could only accomplish this if we had calm winds, because the prospect of spending our first night at sea after a rough transit of the strait was intimidating. If the forecast held true, today might mark the beginning of our first night at sea, as well our first travel in the Pacific Ocean, for Marian and I as a team.As Marian tended the lines Alanui lead the way out of the marina. We had agreed on a 6:30am departure and in good form, the three boats had their engines started and warming up at 6:15. A bit about our traveling companions. Paloma is a 43’ Nordhavn owned and operated by Patrick, Susan and Jonathan Coonan. I mentioned before that Patrick and I met at several Trawlerfest events and thought that cruising together might be fun.
We coordinated this departure date and time, but really this begins the first significant time we have spent together. Paloma is a beautiful ship, as well appointed as any you will ever see! We hope to cruise with Patrick, Susan and Jonathan for quite some time, so it will be very interesting to see how this works out. Wayward Wind is also a 43’ Nordhavn owned and operated by Bill and Linda Edwards. I met Bill and Linda at the preliminary FUBAR event in L.A. several months before. It was by sheer coincidence that we arrived in the same departure location at the same time. Bill and Linda were on their way back to L.A. after spending the summer voyaging to Alaska. They were picking up additional crew at Pt. Angeles and shipping their beloved dog home so as not to expose him to the rigors of a multi day passage in the ocean. Bill and Linda had a very different approach to the passage than Patrick and I, as they hoped to transit the coast as quickly as they could, rather than harbor hopping as we were hoping to do. So, the stage is set.
The three boats departed right on time and began the trip down the strait. We agreed that no single boat would lead the way, but that we would simply steer individual headings and keep within eyesight of each other as we made our way west. For the most part we were within a half mile of each other, sometimes Way Ward wind at the lead, sometimes Paloma and sometimes Alanui. It was a relaxed, easy voyage the entire length of the strait. There were patches of kelp and fishermen here and there, but for the most part it was a milk runAs we progressed through the day Patrick and I discussd logistics and travel plans. We agreed that conditions were so good and the forecast so favorable that we would not stop in Neah Bay, but rather continue in the ocean with Bill and Linda to proceed directly to Astoria OR. I’ll take a moment to describe what goes into this planning. You see, you can start with an idea of what you want to do and accomplish, but you have to remain open to changing it as conditions dictate. Just as the presence of a bad forecast or winds could have stopped us from leaving in the morning, the incredibly favorable conditions and forecast for the next 24 to 48 hours caused us to modify our plans. We had previously planned on making very few night passages, and certainly not the first night. However, with a forecast and previous 12 hours that was so calm we realized it would give us tremendous advantage to go ahead with a night passage on this first day of cruising. There really wasn’t much to see along the coast of Washington and we were anxious to put some miles under the keel. We used our navigation software to play with different speed and arrival times and determined that if we continued through the night we could be in Astoria by noon the following day. We planned to stop in Astoria, and the idea of getting there a day or two early was really appealing. So, we put a radio call into Bill and Linda telling them they would have company this evening.There are defining moments in every voyage. Major turning points that mark significant events, some are bigger than others, but each unique in its own way. Tatoosh Island is a windswept rock at the furthest point Northwest on the continental U.S..
For us it marked the turning point South and our entrance into the Pacific Ocean. You actually feel the rollers of the Pacific long before reaching Tatoosh, but this is where you’re really IN the ocean. Often your insurance policy will state that this is where your coverage ENDS! As we approached Tatoosh I swung Alanui around to get some good pictures of Paloma and Wayward wind.For me this was a very important moment as this was the first time Marian and I were outside the Puget Sound operating the boat. We have spent a lot of time preparing for this, but it’s never enough. We prayed for calm weather and good experiences to see us through this important phase of our journey. I so wanted Marian to have a good experience. So far she had been doing just great! She had begun using her Scopolamine patches and had reported no signs of nausea. She warmed up some spaghetti which we both consumed rapidly. Marian hopped up in the pilot house and started to capture some of her thoughts on the computer. The long, slow swells under the boat caused enough motion that as Marian used the computer, she became sea sick. She exited the pilot house to get some fresh air just in the nick of time. I remember watching her bend over the Portuguese bridge and I thought, oh no, this can’t be, is she really getting sick! It was my worst fear. We had voyaged in the Puget Sound for years and Marian had been able to fight off seasickness, often by going to sleep. We hoped the Scopolamine would do the trick. What we learned later is that even though you have a Scope patch on, you still have to manage the symptoms of seasickness very carefully. The combination of fixing and eating dinner, then trying to use the computer proved too much. We agreed that in the future will be pay very close attention to this and not simply assume the Scope patch will solve everything. Oh, note to self, make certain to discuss the use of the leeward side of the boat, rather than the windward side when dealing with seasickness.As Marian settled into the saloon to sleep off the effects of the nausea, I captured the picture below, of our first sunset at sea.As the sun sank I started to prepare the boat for night operations. This means dimming all the lights and paying very close attention to RADAR, cartography, autopilot headings and so forth. Loosing your ability to see while operating your boat at night is something that takes time to get comfortable with. I was also very anxious to see how my investment in an Infrared camera was going to pan out. I spent about $12,000 to buy a FLIR Mariner camera and a 19” Nauticomp display. My rationalization was it would pay for itself if it enabled me to dodge crab pots at night. At first I thought it was going to perform very well, but as I compared my visual picture with the IR picture I realized the technology has limitations that were going to prevent me from getting the kind of capabilities I’d hoped for. While you can see waves, birds and other objects, time and time again I’d approach a crab pot and only be able to pick it up on the display because I saw if visually first. Had I been just looking at the screen it would have been very, very difficult to see them in time to avoid running over them. Regardless, the technology is good and there are numerous other benefits it will provide. Common practice is to divide the day and night into “watches” and rotate crew through the responsibility of piloting the ship. There are many reasons to do this and often an insurance company will require you to have adequate crew onboard to insure a night can be transited with each member only standing one watch. I didn’t feel that Marian and I could adopt this approach right away because both of us are still building experience. Asking her to take command of the ship for more than an hour or two at night was asking too much. The approach I was adopting was to make certain I got rest during the day and that Marian headed off to bed as early in the evening as possible. I’d man the helm to the point where I knew I could go down for an hour or two of sleep and then turn it over to Marian. I knew if we tried to adopt a “watch” schedule I’d simply lay there in my bunk worrying about Marian being at the helm alone. On the other hand, if I stood watch to the point of really being tired, I could insure I’d go right off to sleep and get enough rest to then make it through the rest of the night. The risks of this approach were that I’d make some dumb mistake associated with being very tired. Well, this was my plan and I was commited to implement it. So, with Marian in bed I watched the helm until about 1:00am. At this point I woke Marian and she took the helm. I collapsed in the saloon and fell fast asleep. About an hour later I heard some radio chatter between Bill and Patrick and that woke me up. I sent Marian back to bed and watched the helm until Marian woke about 8 or 9. All in all watching the helm that night was not very difficult. I had enough to keep me occupied and I was very satisfied with the result.
As the sun rose we had calm seas and almost no wind. Alanui, Paloma and Wayward droned on into the daylight.
***Shannon's comment: The pictures in Scott's entry are straight off the ship, I have been using stock photo gallery clips until now.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Day 12, August 29, 2007, Port Angeles WA

The winds finally died down that evening, and water in the marina was like glass. We decided to travel along with the Coonans and the other couple Linda and Bill, who were headed in the same direction we were. We agreed to leave at 6:30 the next morning.
I had been talking to Patrick all day and warning him about gale force winds in the straits. Well, each time I talked to him he said “It’s foggy here, but we are making good progress”. Then I warned him about Point Wilson, later finding he breezed right past. Now I started thinking about the boy that cried wolf. I knew the forecast was for 30 to 40 knot winds at the east entrance to the straits, but it had yet to kick up. Well, when we got to Mike Edwards house the straits were flecked with whitecaps. Now it was starting to blow. I called Patrick and he advised that things were still manageable, but that he had slowed to 4 knots. Damn, now he’s committed to making it all the way to Port Angeles, and it’s going to do nothing but get worse. Well to make a long story short, he arrived in the boat basin about 17:00 with a 25 knot wind. He wisely chose a side tie rather than trying to shoehorn crosswind into the slip next to me. In a matter of a few minutes he was tied up and ready to unwind. I felt terrible hearing that poor Jonathan had actually gotten sick, as no one wants to experience that. I felt relieved when I saw him and he seemed none the worse for the ware. I finally got to introduce Marian and Susan and they hit it off just as I knew they would. Susan is a beautiful woman and one of the most engaging and welcoming people you will ever meet, just like my bride Marian! Jonathan is the most intelligent young boy I’ve ever met. With a vocabulary like a college bound scholar and behavior any parent would be proud to see in their children, I find Jonathan a joy to be around. As Marian mentioned, Bill and Linda Edwards aboard Wayward Wind were also there. We all gathered at the dock and discussed a departure time.

Day 11, August 28, 2007, Roche Harbor, San Juan Island to Port Angeles WA

While I’m thinking about it, there are two other people that stand out as people I’ll miss. Carter Miller and Jim Lewis are like family to me. Carter, a former SR71 pilot and test pilot for Lockheed spent much of his life in the military, as did my father. A few years my senior, I look up to Carter in many ways. He moved is wife Jackie and dog Stolie to Semiahmoo a few years ago and loves it. He has adopted Washington as his new home. Carter is a gourmet chef and always selects fantastic places to eat. He has taken to boating like a fish to water and is as passionate about it as anyone I know. If there was an ocean going trawler that could also make 20 knots and fit in a 40’ slip, Carter would jump on it. As it is, he has lived his life at Mach 3 and just can’t see slowing down to 7 knots. I do think in time Carter will get a larger, slower boat, but it won’t be until he sees himself slowing down as well, something I think is a long way off!
And now for Jim Lewis. If there was anyone in the world that is as close to me as a brother, it’s Jim. Jim is the most selfless, giving and caring man I know. He’s a bit of a mad scientist type, calling to ask me “where can I buy a bed?” Well Jim, you can buy a bed at Sears, The Bon, Eddie Bauer and on and on. Sometimes with the simple things Jim just doesn’t connect the dots. Or maybe it’s easier to call me because he knows I’ll know how to save some time looking for it? Regardless, Jim is also one who is there to help whenever someone needs it. He has offered over and over to meet me at the boat and accomplish a dirty, thankless task. He has helped rescue my daughter from being stranded on a freeway, taken family photos of a group of 30, participated in a deliver up the coast with Mike Maurice and a number of other things to numerous to mention. Jim is as close to me as anyone I know, and I will miss our afternoon coffee meetings at Starbucks. Ok, enough of that, on to the adventure!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Day 10, 8/27/07 Roche Harbor, San Juan Island

Day 9, 8/26/07 Victoria B.C. to Roche Harbor, San Juan Island
We went back to the boat and the guys started working on securing the tender down with additional straps that Scott had found. I made some more Pina Coladas, which is so refreshing, and lightens their moods while working. Tom and Scott get so silly! They are such clowns, and they make Cindy & I laugh all the time.

I must admit today I was a bit melancholy, as it meant our time with Tom and Cindy was coming to a close. I’d like to say something about Tom and Cindy. Tom is part of my inspiration for making this trip. 2 years ago Tom suffered a stroke on the slopes of Whistler Mountain in B.C.. He had a very unique form of a stroke and bleeding in the brain that by all rights should have killed him. I can only assume that his mission on earth is not yet complete, because his life was spared, in no small part because of Cindy’s connections in the medical field. You see Cindy is one of those women that have a job that only a select few can do. She is an ER Nurse at Children’s Hospital in Seattle. She sees more pain and suffering in a month than most people experience in a lifetime. Tom received the surgery necessary to save his life in large part because Cindy knew she needed to keep looking for answers to their situation. She put out an APB (all points bulletin) to her peers which led Tom to a surgeon at Harborview Medical Center who had the skills to repair Toms bleeding blood vessels. Tom began a long recovery and is today 99% back to normal, if you can use the word “normal” to describe Tom.
Tom is one of those guys that goes to the boat show 5 times. He can tell you what make a boat is from a half mile away. He can tell you what kind of engines it has, how many gallons of fuel it carries and on and on. I admire Tom greatly. I admire the relationship Tom and Cindy have carved out, two people that are as different as night and day, and yet so right for each other. Tom has worked on my boat for hours and hours. He’s always there to squeeze into an area that I won’t fit, or to suggest an alternative way to accomplish a task. Together Tom and I can start a discussion, finish each others sentences and get Cindy and Marian laughing so hard they nearly pee their pants, as do we! Tom is one of the people that I will really miss.
Day 8, 8/25/07 Salt Spring Island to Victoria B.C. on Vancouver Island

The guys got up early and started off to either Victoria or Roche Harbor. They decided it would be best to go straight to Victoria since it was rough weather. I’m so glad they did because it was fun to visit Victoria by boat.

As Marian mentioned, today we needed to have flexibility in our trip. The forecast was for strong winds and we were concerned that we might not be able to make it down the Strait of Juan de Fuca to Victoria. As we headed south we found delightful cruising in little or no wind so we made the commitment to go to Victoria. Carter left in his Camano about an hour after us, so we hailed him on the radio to tell him we were Victoria bound.
While Tom was taking a shower and I was at the helm we were on autopilot heading down the east side of James Island. I had spent a lot of time qualifying our route in an area of very complex depths at the south east end of Vancouver Island, but had not paid as much attention on the earlier portion of the route. My CMAP cartography on the Furuno chartplotter left me with the impression we should never have seen less than 4 or 5 fathoms of water, about 25 to 30 feet. However, as we motored along I glanced over at the depth sounder, that I know is showing feet, and saw it register 10, then 8, I turned to Cindy and Marian and said “could we be in 8 feet of water?” As the “r” in water left my lips the bow of Alanui dipped ever so slightly as the boat lost about a quarter of a knot of speed and the depth sounder briefly showed 0. I reached for the throttle, pulled it back, disengaged the autopilot and began a turn to port and hopefully deeper water. Immediately the sounder said 5, 10, 20, 30… As my heart left my throat and breathing began again, I glanced back at the south end of the island. I was really glad to see it was an eroding cliff face of soft sand. That left me with the feeling that it was most likely I’d hit sand rather than rock. As we slowed to a few knots I looked at various systems. I didn’t really describe the impact very well; you could hardly call it an “impact”. To quote Cindy, we really just “kissed” the bottom. It was a very gentle lowering of the bow with no real loss of speed and no grinding sound of fiberglass on rock.
As I returned to my route I looked at Coastal Explorer, which uses completely different cartography than the Furuno chartplotter. Sure enough, just where we touched the bottom there was a ¼ sounding shown on the chart. This suggest there was about a foot of water at low tide, a situation that would have been much, much more serious. The CMAP cartography didn’t include this sounding, but it’s still my fault for putting us in water that was way to shallow. Another lesson learned without serious damage, thank you God!!!
As we rounded the south east end of Vancouver Island we saw a Strait of Juan de Fuca that was flecked with whitecaps. The tide was ebbing, flowing out against the wind, and this caused the waves to stand up a bit. However, it was no problem and we threaded our way through the narrow channels and made the turn to Victoria. For some time we were fighting a 3 knot current that must have been an eddy formed by the underwater structures in the area. After 30 minutes we looked out the stern of the boat and guess who comes flying by in his Camano? Carter had left several hours after us, but he was going to beat us into Victoria by at least a half an hour! His little boat went charging by and I realized why I loved my Camano the way I did. It’s a do it all boat! Anyway, with Carter leading the way we threaded our way through the harbor entrance, crowded with fishermen and boats and made our way to the slip at the Coast Grand Hotel. By the time we were ready to dock the wind had kicked up to 15 to 20 and I was a bit concerned. I let the wind blow us down from the dock and took an aggressive angle to the slip. When the time was right I put her in gear and powered forward, kicking the stern upwind as the bow pulpit arrived over the dock. The result was a near perfect landing, I feel like I’m beginning to get a feel for Alanui, although I still have a long way to go. We tied the boat up and went into the town center for food!!!
Day 7, 8/24/07 Ganges, Salt Spring Island

-Admiral Marian
Day 6, 8/23/07 Vancouver to Ganges, Salt Spring Island